Hickison Petroglyph Recreation Area

Also known as The Hickison Summit Recreation Area, this BLM managed area gives visitors the fascinating opportunity to get in front of 10,000 year old rock carvings. Petroglyphs, or rock engravings, are images typically carved into stone surfaces. They can differ from pictographs which are merely drawn onto stone surfaces. This is a fantastic place for a picnic, to camp for a few days, to allow the kids and pets run off some energy built up from the long drive and, of course, photograph early Native American art. Please only look and do not touch the fragile carvings and paintings.

These fascinating remnants of yesteryear are located just a few minutes outside Austin on U.S. Highway 50. US50 is also considered the loneliest highway in America, yet is a gold mine of historical and fascinating places. The site, which sits about 6,500 feet above sea level, is positioned on the edge of Monitor Valley in Nevada’s Great Basin.

In addition to the self-guided, half-mile hike throughout the site that takes you though multiple petroglyph panels, Hickison Recreation Area includes 16 campsites, a day use picnic area, pit toilets, barbecues and trash facilities. Best yet, the 360-degree view from Hickison Summit is nothing short of remarkable!

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Courtesy T. Turner – The desert blooms