Nevada Archaeological Association

The Nevada Archaeological Association (NAA) is a statewide organization with affiliated societies and regional chapter organizations. Each of these groups give members a chance to experience Nevada archaeology.

The Nevada Archaeological Association (NAA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to the preservation of Nevada’s antiquities. We encourage the study of archaeology and are committed toward education of the public to the aims of archaeological research.

We promote the common professional and avocational interests of NAA members and NAA as a whole through activities including but not without limit to Education, Training, Meetings, Workshops, and Publications.

NAA supports Nevada student efforts statewide, fosters cooperative relationships, provides learning opportunities/experiences, enhances preservation, and provides a publication outlet for research.

The specific objectives and purposes of the NAA shall be to preserve Nevada’s antiquities, encourage the study of archaeology and to educate the public to the aims of archaeological research. The NAA shall promote the common professional and avocational interests of NAA members as stated in the Bylaws of the Association, and to further the purposes of the NAA through non-profit activities including, but not limited to, education, training, meetings, workshops, publications and other relevant activities.

Pictures below are provided by contributors or supporters of this website. If you are interested in sharing your pictures of Nevada, please drop us a note.

Courtesy S. Ward – Northern Nevada Railroad, The Ghost Train