Emergency equipment and first aid.

You might confuse Wilderness Survival with normal Emergency Equipment and First Aid. There are cross over points but there are also stand alone points in each category. Emergency Equipment and First Aid includes items you should care every day, many of them just to go to the store shopping.

This section I will discuss the Emergency Equipment and First Aid. Long trips or trips to out of the way locations should be planned with more time and effort then what movie to go see tonight. Before starting on any non-major highways, well even some major ones like US50 and US6, plus parts of US93 and US95 you want to make sure your car has a full tank of gas, tires are properly inflated and the spare is also ready to use, you have a jack and lug wrench. Of course you should also have one to two gallons of water per person with you.

Survival food/snacks are also a must. Two examples are S.O.S. 3600 Calorie Food Bars: 3 Day/ 72 Hour Package{#ad} or Emergency Food Ration: 10 Days Survival MREs{#ad} make good possible choices. A portion of these will also be used in the Wilderness Survival. The car/auto/RV should start off with sufficient supplies for the number of persons traveling. The requirements for any pets is discussed in .

Additional emergency equipment that is recommended as standard equipment for all long trips are:

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These items should be standard in your vehicle at all times, but on long trips are even more important.

Pictures below are provided by contributors or supporters of this website. If you are interested in sharing your pictures of Nevada, please drop us a note.

Courtesy S. Ward – Paranghat Wildlife Refuge