This is not an endorsement, advertisement or solicitation for these organizations, just information on contacting them if you are interested in helping as Volunteer Searcher, Base Camp Support or – extremely important – helping with fund raising activities. Not provided are any requirements. Please visit these organizations or call your local Sheriff’s Office for more information on local SAR groups in your area.
If you are a member of any SAR Group in the USA and would like to have information posted about it on this website, please have a group’s authorized representative contact us. We will very proudly provide information on your life saving efforts including providing a dedicated page for it. Any group listed on this website already may provide updates/corrections/additional information at any time. No Charge.
Board for Search and Rescue
The Board for Search and Rescue was established by the Nevada Revised Statutes under NRS 414.170 in 1983. Members of the Board are appointed by the Chief, Nevada Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security and the board composition is guided by statutory requirements. It includes:
One member representing the Nevada Wing of the Civil Defense Air Patrol
One member from the Nevada National Guard
Four members from the Nevada Sheriffs and Chiefs Association
One member from the Health Division
One member from the Division of Forestry
A Search and Rescue representative belonging to a law enforcement agency, and
One member from the Nevada Fire Chief’s Association
The term of appointment is two years. The Board meets quarterly to discuss search and rescue issues such as training and exercise activities, format policy related to search and rescue, establishes and approves standards for personnel and courses, and reviews operations to provide recommendations for operational improvements statewide.
The Coordinator for Search and Rescue appoints members and manages the Training Committee. The Training Committee establishes recommendations for organizations specializing in search and rescue, and certify organizations which meet those recommendations at the appropriate level.
Red Rock Search and Rescue
Founded in 2012 when hiker Ron Kirk went missing in Calico Basin, Red Rock SAR formed to help families search for their missing and lost loved ones. We are a non-profit 501(c)3 made up of approximately 200 highly skilled and trained volunteers from all walks of life, such as retired military, paramedics, off duty police officers, firefighters, and people with a heart for giving back to their community. We train to deploy in all types of weather and terrain, from 100 degree dry deserts to frozen mountains and urban neighborhoods. We are on standby 24/7/365 to assist families who need our help, free of charge!
Washoe County Search and Rescue
Washoe County Search and Rescue receives NO TAX DOLLARS and does not charge for our services. We depend on the generosity of you the public to help us with our financial obligations. Your donations, grants and bequests enable us to save countless lives each year. In addition, we Save the tax payers hundreds of thousands of dollars each year by Volunteering our time, equipment, and vehicles.
Our SAR volunteer team program has been nationally recognized for our volunteers’ efforts, training and organization. In Washoe County, visitors and residents alike benefit from the emergency search and rescue services, for which there are no fees, due to the dedication and commitment of the hundreds of search and rescue volunteers who comprise the 4 specialized teams. Though they work side by side, these specialized teams each have very specific responsibilities during a search and rescue mission. Please take some time to visit our specialized teams’ homepages on the navigation bar to find out more about what they offer.
LVMPD Search and Rescue Unit
We’re devoted to safety, providing Search and Rescue services to over 8,000 square miles in our community. The LVMPD Search and Rescue Unit was formed in 1986 to provide a technical rescue service to the community of Las Vegas, NV. The unit is on call 24 hours a day and responds to over 8,000 square miles of mountainous desert terrain in Clark County, Nevada. All members have completed extensive training in such skills as high angle rope rescue, helicopter operations, desert survival, tracking, land navigation, emergency medicine, and many others. The unit operates by combining several highly specialized groups to complete its mission. These groups including paid police officers, helicopter support, and more than 50 unpaid volunteers.
Douglas County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue
The Douglas County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue is non-profit group made up of professionally trained volunteers that work under the auspices of the Douglas County Sheriff’s department. Every year, local citizens and visitors from around the world enjoy the backcountry of Douglas County, which includes Lake Tahoe, the Carson River and Pinenut Mountain Range. The interaction of people, challenging wilderness terrain and frequent adverse weather, predictably creates the need for search and rescue services.
Since nearly every type of hazard mentioned in our state’s comprehensive emergency plans may require search and rescue, DCSAR is also an important adjunct to law enforcement and fire agencies during times of natural or man-made disasters.
Pictures below are provided by contributors or supporters of this website. If you are interested in sharing your pictures of Nevada, please drop us a note.
Courtesy S. Ward – Lehman Caves, Great Basin National Park