Category: Outdoor

Douglas County Shooting Range

The Douglas County Shooting range is an open range located at 902 Dump Road, just before the transfer station. Pistol Range with distances of 25′, 50′, and 100′ Rifle Range with distances of 100′, 200′, and 300′ Cement Pads Covered tables / benches Bring your own targets Automatic guns with a permit only

Carson City Rifle and Pistol Club

The Carson Rifle and Pistol Club is a non-profit, incorporated in Nevada. Our purpose is to promote social welfare and public safety, to educate and train citizens in the safe and efficient handling of small arms, to encourage organized small arms shooting programs for sporting purposes, and to encourage lawful ownership and proper use of […]

Capitol City Gun Club

We specialize in various recreational and competitive shotgun shooting sports. Trap, Skeet, Sporting Clays, 5-Stand and Wobble Trap We are located close to the Carson City Airport and only 20 minutes away from Reno, Nevada. Shooting Leagues available. History In the spring of 1942 ten dedicated shotgun shooters had an idea to form a trap […]

Caliente Shooting Range

Located on the upper part of the industrial park, about 300 yards west of the town of Caliente, Nevada (may be relocated within a year) Directions: Traveling south on U.S. 93 into Caliente turn right 1/2 mile before the city, turn right again into the parking lot. The covers and benches are visible from the […]


Goldfield, Nevada – worlds greatest gold camp We are dedicated to bringing to you, the treasures of our town. Goldfield, located in Esmeralda County is 26 miles south of Tonopah and 180 miles north of Las Vegas on US Highway 95. Visitors will get a sense of what it was like to live in gold […]

Jim Butler Days-Memorial weekend

Join us each Memorial Day Weekend when we celebrate the founding of Tonopah! We have the Nevada State Mining Championships, street dance, parade, bartender races, whiskey and wine tastings, stock car races, Nevada State arm wrestling championships, and much, much more! Events may include Ghost Walks Fishing Derby Summer Rodeo Starry Nights Art Festival Blacksmithing […]