The hike to Billy Goat Peak is extraordinarily beautiful. The peak itself, at only about 5,700 feet, is not anything super special, but the views and vistas from this solitary high spot in the remote desert.
The trail up to the peak is not excessively long or challenging but sections of it are rated at a class 3 or 4 and should not be taken lightly. You can 4-wheel to just over 1 mile from the peak leaving a leisurely but intense hike to the peak. Bring your good camera – the cell phone snap shots will not do the views justice.
This is part of the Gold Butte National Preserve, approximately 2-3 hours east of Las Vegas between the Overton Arm of Lake Mead and the Arizona State Line. Please see the information on the Gold Butte NP for details.
This is only a general overview, please research your destinations before venturing out.
Standard Warnings!
Desert hiking carries unique risks and you should always be prepared. Select routes you are capable of handling, tell someone where you are going and when you will be back, leave no trace and take no souvenirs, (take your trash out), respect wild life, the wilderness and other people. Carry appropriate supplies including plenty of water, a map, a compass, emergency lighting (even for day trips), snacks/protein bars, an emergency whistle, signaling mirror, BIC lighter and candles, Swiss Army Knife, basic First Aid kit and protective clothing (raingear, hat, mittens, sweater). And from my time in the Army – extra socks!!! Socks are light weight and being able to change them can keep your feet dry and protected.
Pictures below are provided by contributors or supporters of this website. If you are interested in sharing your pictures of Nevada, please drop us a note.
Courtesy S. Ward – The ride to the pumpkin patch